My Misanthropical Way Of Thinking
First of all I want to generalize that I consider myself an intelligent guy. I believe that by studying natural science disciplines and being an Atheist opens many doors to my mind. I'm certainly not some extreme national socialistic, racist, anti-muslim or whatever kind of a man. I think globally, even beyond. I don't take political or religious sides. As a Human being I follow basic moral standards which are actually the basics of all religions or such based philosophies..so I'm not the bad guy, I just don't believe in God or whatever deity there is, believed to be the creator of all that exists. Anyone who is more or less opposite of what I am or feels insulted of this introduction, just don't read ahead.
Let's start now.
Anger. That's what fills me inside, when being around stupid people, considering themselves VERY intelligent and what not. As I've noted in previous posts my social life ends with traveling with the subway and confronting people in the university. Well, the first one is a hardcore contact with the everyday Joe. My ride is usually 20 mins or so, one direction, and I have the time to look around and amuse myself by making profiles of every citizen I see. Half an year ago I also started readying news online, from small pages (the news there are closer to the truth than anywhere else). Also I may add that in the past 2 years and still going, the Internet is getting more and more social. All that said, I think I know what's going on in our Planet.
There are several kinds of people. The most noted are the Leaders and the Followers. Free men? There is no such thing. We are slaves of our societies, laws, addictions and our lack of desire for evolving mentally. You don't agree with me? Well think all that trough and if your mind isn't changed, you know what you have to do. Aside all that we are still animals. Even bigger than before! Lets check that with a little logic, shall we? Back in the Dark Ages, the people were in their bottom in every sense. They were uneducated, simple, hungry, poor, crushed by the Church. So what they did was working all day, and doing everything they can to add food on their tables. The laws back then were harsh. There were few prisoners, because most criminals were just executed. So, if you want to live you had several choices - work yourself to death for food and your family, become a soldier (risk of dying in every battle) or just travel and die somewhere else. And this was the main population in Europe, later in the Americas and so on. This can also be said for some Asian and African cultures and nations. Of course, on the top were the few that actually had a life. Now, in the developed countries, almost every man is educated, has food on his table and lives more than happy life. Not worrying about dying of starvation, hanging, arrow/sword, heresy, you have time to actually live. What comes from all that? Most people go to clubs, get drunk, have wild parties, forget about what and who they are, were and will be. This is having Fun! Fun is something you have been told to do to feel good. I will check on that later. So when a man is in such environment his animal instincts turn on very quickly and stay such for a while. In the morning he gets up, feels bad or successful, goes to work, acts like a robot all day, sleeps, and if there is time or a chance of new wild party he goes and acts like an animal again. If our medicine was just 100 years back in development we weren't going to live more than 25-30 years, because of intoxication, nicotine, all kinds of other drugs. And as far as I know the average age in the middle ages is 30-35-40 years. Think about that. Things that make this need of becoming an animal and act like such are driven by the everyday growing addiction to drinking, sex, anarchy (and not understanding the basics of society..sad), getting into fights, doing everything possible to break the law and so on and so on. These ARE addictions. They control us, they are making us that ill, animals that call themselves the Intelligent owner of Earth (I actually passed that in another form in a previous post) . If we continue this way, we will destroy our selves. Actually some hardcore addicts realize that, but decide to continue even harder on what ever they are hooked on, with the excuse that life is short, live for the moment and more of that crap. Life is precious, life is all. You may party your ass out for 10-15 years, but when you turn 30+ you realize that your body is broken and lets not continue in that direction. And that's that.
Actually I am one of those kinds of people. I do some of the things mentioned above. Of course, not in clubs or some other human farm, but in close groups of well known people. I started the year free of alcohol and junk food. Started some working out, and the effect is obvious from my point of view. I feel great! It's been only 26 days but I feel times happier than before. I'm like everybody else, except I realize it, hating it and trying my best to escape it. I can't make an example of another animal doing so in its society. Maybe that differs me, and many more from the basic mammal. Actually I can figure a theory. I'm not feeling good being around my kind, because I am not stupid enough for it, so I stay away. There ya go!
Mass mind manipulation! Yup, it was about time to involve conspiracy theories. Wait, they are not. Big part of our society understands that the media manipulates all, but still continues to watch tv, read papers and listen to radio. Even the internet is doing so. Example - Wikipedia - you must not believe 100 of what is written there. That's the easy way of controlling a mass of people. Few decades ago it was the Church (and it still is more or less) but the media takes its toe. So the every day fashion, pop culture or whatever you wanna name it is what drives the human herd to its farms (as I previously mentioned). They tell you what to wear, what to listen, what to like, what to Know, what to Believe in, how to act, feel, think. And the sheep follow. Actually this is all happening thanks to the internet. People go everywhere and find all the information they need trough their browser. And what they need, I already explained.
Shit gets real in the beginning of the century. If you, the reader is born in the 80s or even far back, you know what I mean. The old simple times and good movies with more ideas than effects. The music made back then was pure and new. We worked with our imagination and mind. Now?
The modern ( 2000+ ) movies : Mass effects, greenscreens, USED IDEAS but more action/fighting. USED IDEAS! Also worthless remakes. Why doesn't anyone make a remake of the picture of Mona Lisa? But this is what people like now. They are too lazy or stupid to think of their own imagination, so they watch colorful, 3d, and pixar style animations - yeah, they fill the mind of the watcher with the right things, don't they? Every year, out of 50-60 movies, there are only half a dozen worth watching, and of course no one likes them, or sees them. Why? Because people are stupid, thats way. Sound offensive? Read all I wrote again. But every man knows what's best for him. And now, this is the place and time to share some more anger, by naming movies I hate. Normally I despise, but the feel of hatred comes from inside and its hard to control, if you know what I mean. Everything that Pixar does! This is the apogee of raping the purity and originality of the genre Animation. And every other company like Pixar. Marvel movies - all except some x-men series are worthless waste of time. All the new college movies - all the same, all stupid, all old jokes, all lack of originality. Avatar? Three times I sat to watch it, with 3d glasses and all. My nerves endured this brain-rape 40 mins most. Did I mentioned Pixar & co? The only movies my head endured watching is actually one - Shrek. But enough with this. Maybe I'm so into original classics that I forget myself. I'm only 23, but I sound like and old man. Well, the stupid people done that to me, can't help it.
Music - A friend of mine said a few years ago the following thing - All the riffs are used, there is no new music. - The same principle with the movies, goes with the music. And by riffs, consider not only rock/metal, but all melodies, sounds, ideas.
What else...Games - same with the movies - shooting, real-like graphics, no idea, no thought. Only blasts, blood and pretty colors.
Books - Twilight? All these waste of sheet crap like "How to quit smoking", "How to lose weight" and so on. This is not literature, this is just a sad waste of trees.
This post became pretty long, too long for todays standards. People don't read long stuff.
Other thing that is wrong is that maniacal love for cars in some people. The car is a fine thing and it has its uses in the modern life. But I don't consider very bright, people who think they are the kings of the world when they drive. Cars, cigarettes, muscles, fine clothes...this doesn't make you a smarter, better or more evolved person. This sounds like I am some teenage nerd that whines about bullies. Nope. This is how people are acting around me, every fucking time, when I am outside. These people are not teens. These people are grown Men and Women. They are complete waste of space and resources.
I didn't wish to get down with this way of thinking, but the people are making me. That's why, besides following my life's dreams, almost graduating, being successful in almost anything, I have this fantasy of an Utopia. A place where people live in harmony with nature and themselves. If I say something like this in public, people will react in three ways: laugh, because they didn't understand what I was saying; agree, but continue with their hypocritical way of life; just agree (the few).
I have plenty more to say about this, but I will leave it for another time.
In conclusion I may say. People nowadays live in a lie, because BIG amount of them are stupid and ignorant, but think otherwise of themselves. They do not know what is really happening around them. They are slaves to their addictions and make the world sick with their existence. People are the cancer of Earth. People destroy more than they actually create. We are destroying ourselves. Maybe this is the way it has to be.
More on this topic will follow!
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I agree in 100%. I started following this blog and I'm waiting for more!
ReplyDeleteWise words, I really liked that one. People should be more educated (not in the 'school' sense) and think globally as you said, because we need to understand that we are slaves of culture and time, and weak (in a good way I mean it) so as we can be better persons, with less egoism.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, it is tragic that Greece, once a place for so many open-minded people and great ideas, has become a place with too many 'stupid people', sheep as you call them. I'm sure the phenomenon is global, but my country may be one of the top places, along with most of America, that people follow the herd so much.