A few words about 2012 and the global warming
Of course most of us already know that nothing cataclysmic is gonna happen in 2012. I just wanted to point that. I think I had a previous post about that in bulgarian. But I will say again. The world won't come to and end as the movies and legends speak of.
The chance of some natural cataclysm occurring at 21.12.2012 is the same as doing so at 14.07.2011 or 17.01.2023. The Mayan calendar just stops at the pointed date an we pass into the age of Aquarius.
But some people are just willing to believe that 2012 is the end, because they are stupid enough and don't know how to figure it out (or don't want). Anyway, my point is that when the time comes, there will be people who will come out on streets with guns and start shooting , for it will be their last action, since the world will come to its end. What am I afraid most of? - A collusion with a planet or being shot by a crazy idiot? You guest it.
Actually that was my thinking till I got my eyes on some science info. There are two things that stuck in my mind - An EMP (electro magnetic pulse) from our Sun and the new found celestial body, hovering the edge of our solar system. So, this is interesting. The first news came out in the early autumn 2010. It was really an eye opener. An EMP can do hell on our society. Imagine all the stuff around you, that work with electricity, stop working. No internet, no tv, radio, modern cars, gps, cell phones. Anarchy will follow. The military will have to use the old fashion morse code to communicate and coordinate their moves against the crazy masses. That's kind of an end of the world don't you think? Not the hellish way like in the movies, but again an unpleasant one. Actually is not even an end, it's more like a big rebel or something.
And the very, VERY interesting news about a celestial body, hovering the edge of our system. It's black, cold on the outside, Big. If I may refer to the ancient Sumerian myth about the planet Nibiru. If we just found out about that body (planet or brown dwarf, or whatever), are we able to figure its orbit? Is it actually Nibiru? Well. I think our smartheads will figure it out before 2012.
So that leads to 3 major possibilities - the foreseen clash with Nibiru; a powerful Sun eruption that breaks our tech and communications and leads to global anarchy; or just few, random placed nut jobs with guns, shooting at people and buildings because the world will come to an end. You chose one. The last two are most possible if you ask me. Even the first one. These three possibilities are followed with scientific facts and pure logic, so one can only look at them and think them out. It will be foolish to avoid them, even for a few moments of thought.
The last one is inevitably, since the date will surely come, and surely there are at least a few people out of 7 billion who will act weird about it. So, windows closed, don't go anywhere when the time comes.
Maybe I want to share some thoughts about the global warming either, since the two topics are almost equal.
There is no global worming. There is just another cycle of earths climate. It will get very hot, everywhere. Then very cold..maybe a small ice age (like the one happened after the middle ages), then again a Heavenly paradise-climate. These will be accompanied with pole changing. This is the nearest end of the world it can get for us. There is nothing we can do. Maybe NASA or some other organization (political or not) may think of a climate control machine. Of course you may consider this as a science fiction, but look around you and compare all with the tech that was 20-30 years ago, then again think about that machine. Anyway, the idea is that we are a part of Earth and this cycle and we must face it and live with it. It may get really tough in a few hundred years (maybe less), but we will survive.
Also, consider the USA factor. They are draining all the worlds oil deposits. These oil wells will eventually deplete, and the almighty USA will turn to their own, which they keep for themselves. North America has plenty of oil deposits. And then we will finally kneel before them. Of course this will happen if the USA still exists. There are many things that can lead to its demise.
But this is another topic, which I may cover later on.
Thats it for now.
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