10 Endings for Half Life 2 Episode 3 Part II
So about them endings! Lets see what the Internet has to say about that.
To be honest I was expecting more ideas. Most of the theories more or less are the same, which is not that surprising. I mean, we have been waiting for more than 6 years for Episode 3, and the ideas and theories about the plot and the ending are lessened to two or three dozens, fashioned in a compact and optimal scenarios.
Some endings are actually simillar to mine, even the same, which is nice in a way. So, here we go..
Ending 1: "All this speculations of Gordon's death made me imagine the Borealis falling into a canyon of ice after having gotten bombed out of the ice wall it was embedded into, and Gordon battling an Advisor in freefall."#
Ending 2: "If the G-Man is going to put Gordon in statis again, he must put Alyx in statis as well.
I mean, I might be in the minority, but Alyx has become one of Half-Life crucial charactes by now, and her bond with Gordon is so strong that he can't lose her now. Besides, G-Man obivously thinks highly of Alyx to a point (given the Episode 2 "heart to heart"), so it isn't all that imerspercievable."
Freeman, standing face to face with an Advisor.
Ending 3: This one is actually pretty decent.."I think that Dr.Mossman was there to plunder the Borealis for supplys to fight the Combine and she left quickly from White Forest so Eli wouldn't stop her when he found out what she was doing. The resistance obviously want to defeat the Combine so head to the Borealis and start to prepare for the final battles against the Combine. Gordon and Alyx dtermined to fullfill Elis last wishes set off to destroy the Borealis. The resistance is split between those on Dr.Mossmans who want more than anything to destroy the Combine but are willing to take the risk of the equipment being dangerous and start another Resonance Cascade, and on Gordans side those who are loyal to him and Alyx and who knew Eli personally like Dr.Kleiner. A civil war over the ship would begin which the combine instantly recognize as their chance to strike, destroy the Resistance and get the equipment to make a new Portal. An instant three way battle begins and the resistance are for the moment forced to work together. Dr.Mossman, seeing every last Combine coming towards them sneaks off from the battle to fire up the Aperture weapons to destroy the Combine armies. Gordon and Alyx flee after her and try to stop her but are too late. A portal is created sucking all the Combine back into their dimension. But it goes wrong the portal starts a resonancce cascade and a portal to a whole new world opens. As thousands af aliens come through destroying the rebel resistance and beginning their invasion of Earth, the GMan appears and plucks Gorgon and Alyx to safety. Gordon remembers Eli's words about fughting back and simply says NO and fights back from the GMan. The GMan struggles and fights back but in the end reliases he's lost his servant and drags the confused Alyx away. Gordon appears back on the doomed Earth just as the Portal overloads and explodes. Half-Life 3 Begins."
Ending 4: "My way of thinking is this. ( this isn't confirmed or anything)
Half life= Black Mesa Incident+ Resonance Cascade,
Half life 2= start of resistance, death of breen
ep1= destruction of citadel, evacuation of city 17
ep2= regrouping of humans and combine, attempt of super portal foiled.
ep3= destruction/use of Borealis, liberation of Earth
HL3=destruction of all combine
there's more to it, gman, alyx, Vortigaunts, Nihilanth. but I don't feel like typing it all.
it's probably wrong but it's better than some."
Ending 5: "WIth EP3 however I hope they finally reveal a decent ending besides 2-5 min of the previous games.
I hope we finally see what the "unforeseen consequences" are without waiting half a decade.
I think it will basically involve something like HL1 where you travel the combine home world and defeat the thing in charge of the combine and far worse than the advisors."
Ending 6: "This is how I think it will end...Gordon and Alyx will find Mossman at the Borealis. They will take any Aperture technology that will aid the resistance then destroy the ship to prevent the Combine from obtaining any of it's secrets. The Gman will show up after the ship is destroyed and try to take Gordon and Alyx back into his control. They will refuse and a Boss fight will follow. After the Gman is defeated he will reveal his secret (insert any GMan conspiracy theory here) and the game will End.
Half-Life 3 should then be something like they find the remaining Combine trying to build another citadel in city 18 and the resistance must, and will defeat the Combine there Once and for all. "
Ending 7: "I think that after they find mossman, the combine raid the ship and they are forced to go to an ice island, where they battle a huge Ice Antlion. Mossman is killed during the rampage. Then the creature is destroyed and they go to a huge citadel 5x bigger. They then learn who the gman is then they go to destroy the portal. when the gman tries to kill Gordon, alyx gets seriously injured. after gordon destroys the Gman, alyx says something to Gordon, then she dies. After that, the portal goes catostrophic and explodes violetnly. Then Gordon hears a mysterious voice say, "Well, Well isn't this just like.. old times". after that the screen goes black and the credits roll. "
Ending 8: Portal is involved here "Half-life 3 won't be about the combine, it's going to go with the timeline, but it will be a spin-off of some event that happened in episode 3, but Gman will be there, most likely still unidentified.
But think of the crazy ass technology will be in Half-life 3, NOW we have the gravity gun and other super stuff, whats next?
I also bet that gordans suit will have its own AI, most likely it will help guide him through the story and say some random stuff. MAYBE Glados will get linked into gordans suit and be used to destroy the combine and help gordan along the way, like up-load into computers, but I bet Glados will be in episode 3, because her body was destroyed but she could have a back-up in the ship."
Ending 9: And again Portal "I'm guessing that for the last like 15 minutes of EP3, we will get the Portal gun, have a quick puzzle followed by a crazy battle that ends the episode, sets the stage for HL3, and leaves us drooling for more."
Ending 10: "Once the Borealis technology is retrieved in EP3, Gordon will be armed with enough power that he can be sent to the Combine world, in his usual one-man army fashion, via the Black Mesa team's portal technology in conjunction with the stolen portal code. Gman will probably show up and throw a wrench into the mix, but I think the skinny of it will still be: Gordon on the Combine Homeworld with the Portal Gun. Also, this might be a way of removing Alyx as a perpetual ally - not that I don't like having her along, but not always having an NPC with you is nice too."
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18 Endings for Half Life 2 Episode 3 Part I
Lets start with the fact that I put the Half Life series next to those of Heroes III on my pedestal of all time favourites. I just love the game and all that is connected to it (for example Portal and Portal 2). Gordon Freeman is a one of the most famous and loved hero in the history of virtual games. Actually I can make a whole different topic about how great and awesome Half Life is, but that's not the point here.
So, we all got bored of waiting for Episode 3 to come out. This Spring I read somewhere that Valve have tested and were prepared to release a beta version of Ep.3. And this was almost an year ago, maybe its another hoax or maybe the beta will come out every moment now. Anyway, die hard fans like me just can't stop thinking about it and thus coming up with crazy ideas about the end of the next chapter. Will it be the end of all? As far as I know Yes. Half Life series will stop after Ep.3, but that doesn't mean that another spin off won't bring down the walls of our sanity.
Let's get to the topic. Possible endings, that I made up. Later I will post some more, found in the vast void called Da Internet!
First, let's get the facts straight. Freeman must set off to Borealis, where he must find/save Dr. Mossman and then he must think of a way to defeat the combine. But, Borealis is a part of the Aperture co. , which are the creators of the portal device and tons of other stuff, mainplotting the Portal series. So, will Freeman and Portal merge? Most likely not for more than one reason, for example - those are two diferent games, and such act would make the franchise sell out; Portal is set to be happening along the accident in Black Mesa, Portal 2 - some years into the future where there are no Combine (self spoiler).
Note: On every idea of an ending Alyx may or may not be alive.
Ending 1: Freeman will find a portal device that will send him:
a) back to the past, preventing the Black Mesa accident,
b) back to the past, to the homeworld of the Combine - kicking ass,
c) to the dimention of the Combine - kicking ass,
d) to a different reality/dimention where the G-man will put him back to sleep (maybe a next chapter or something will come up)
Ending 2: Fight all the Advisors and destroy any connection between the Combine and planet Earth. Maybe some kind of a race between the two factions to find a portal or a teleport or something else.
Ending 3: Trough some weird way Freeman will send the alive Nihilanth (maybe the Vortigaunts will ally with him) from the past to face the Combine mastermind and let them eat each other up, leaving Earth alone.
Ending 4: After Freeman defeats the Combine on Earth, a new party comes out of nowhere - maybe the X-race or something new.
Ending 5: Mossman becomes evil, finding a powerfull portal, while Freeman and Combine race for it. Both parties try to stop her from destroying the universe.
Ending 6: Freeman will fight Adrian Shephard, who is mad at Freeman for many reasons.
Ending 7: Freeman will fight the G-man. I dunno what kind of power will Gordon find in Borealis, but there should be something that may be used against the G-man.
Ending 8: The G-man will help Freeman defeat the Combine. Maybe an ally battle of epic proportions will follow.
Ending 9: Freeman gives his life to save all. Seconds before the end of the credits the G-man shows up and says something about Freeman not being dead yet.
Ending 10: The Combine, or someone else wins. Freeman and/or Earth die.
Ending 11: Vortiguants kill the G-man and give Freeman great power. An epic ass kicking follows.
Ending 12: Freeman will be turned against humanity. Maybe he will be turned against everyone and will end being alone or also dead.
Ending 13: Freeman makes the forgotten experiment in Borealis work - doomday device.
Ending 14: Freeman uses what he finds in Borealis to defeat the bad guys, and marries Alyx. Or Alyx gives her life to save all.
Ending 15: Freeman fights the Combine along with Adrian Shephard. That would be epic.
Ending 16: Freeman finds a device that will connect all the Virtiguants powers and use it to destroy the Combine/Universe.
Ending 17: Nothing. World comes to an end and Ep.3 is never realesed.
Ending 18: Freeman finds a new race in Borealis and uses it to destroy the Combine. Or they take over the world.
Hm...got a little caried away. Well, I will wet myself if some of these guesses actually happen. The topic is open to speculations. Mmmm I guess I'll put the internet Endings in the next post.
The modern folklore of the UFO
The UFO - An Unidentified Flying Object. I am right to call it folklore, even a global one. Thats quite amazing actually, the world finally has something in common after all. Anyway, enough about globalization. Lets bring some facts on this matter.
First I will ask some common questions. Is there life on other planets? Are there any aliens? Have aliens visited us, here on Earth? Are they among us? What will happen if they come?
I assume that these are fair questions, that anyone should ask. I advice that religious, narrow and ignorant people should stop reading this and get on with their lives. This may hurt their brains.
So is there life on other planets. Well of course there is. We are actually on the verge of finding bacterial-like life. There are several speculations of a found bacterial fossils on fallen meteorites, here on Earth. And even if they aren't real, in several decades or less, probes will land on the Saturn's moon Titan and do a little digging. As you all know, there is lots and lots of ice, and scientists believe that there is an ocean beneath all this. So where's water, there is life. And thats only about our Solar system. In 2009 the KEPLER telescope was launched in space with the mission to search Earth-like planets. Till the end of 2010, there have been about 400 confirmed rocky planets, Earth-like, and 700 more possible candidates. Scientists are yet to determine which of these are in the so called Goldilocks zone, where life can be sustained. With this speed of our progress the moment of finding life advances closer. I think thats enough. Hm..lets give a link about these meteor bacteria - http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2011/03/nasa-scientist.html
So, whats the next question. Aliens. Of course there are. We are talking about advanced civilizations of course, not bacteria. Our species is only a several tens of thousands of years old. Our planet is young. There are lots and lots of galaxies, systems and planets much older than ours, and thus sustaining a much older civilizations (if we consider the fact that there are such, which is stupid to ignore). So imagine what point of tech level are they into. They can surely be able to travel faster than the speed of light using hyperspace, black holes, dark matter, or whatever source. One can tell that this is science fiction. Well, lasers were such 70 years ago, now we use them every day. Holograms are in development, ion engines which will make our ships travel faster in space, tech's getting smaller and smaller, smarter and smarter. Everything, tagged as science fiction will be fact in only a few decades. So, do we agree that there are aliens capable of coming to Earth? Yes. Why not. We are not the center of the universe, and our progress has just began it's growth. Remember the dark ages..
So, this leads to the next question about them aliens coming here, on Earth. From this begins the big dispute. I am from those who believe that aliens have been here and they still are. Plenty, plenty of facts support this. There are tons of ancient artifacts, mechanisms, legends and myths all describing aliens. These were only tales of Gods? Well, I will give you one simple example about this - The arriving of the conquistadors in south America. The Aztec and Inca, who were native, though of them to be Gods. Imagine our forefathers of ancient Babylon, Egypt or Greece seeing a landing alien ship, from which powerful creatures emerge, with knowledge and strength beyond any imagination. Same shit isn't it? Well, we covered that. If you still doubt that, consult yourself with the tons of literature and movies made about that topic.
So, they've come. Some left, some are still here. Living among us. This answers the last question. If aliens wanted to destroy or enslave us, they had plenty of time to do that.
This leads to some conspiracy theories. I will speak of some. This will also cover the previous post, about the end of the world.
So, we know that our world is a mess. Fighting for whatever shit our governments want to. It's just in our spirit to fight each other, inspired from greed and hunger.
So, lets talk further.
The NASA project "Blue Beam". It's actually pretty simple and easy to comprehend. In a near future, an unnamed organization, using NASA will stage an alien invasion, using holograms. Nations will go wild, stupidity will follow. War will begin, nuclear weapons will be used, many will die. Then the stage will end with a new government managing the few people left. Making a better world of peace and prosperity. There is only one bad thing about that. The normal citizen's mind will be cleaned up, and there will be strict laws restricting us of having fun, developing talents (art, music, dance, etc). This sucks right?
After this massive growth of the UFO fan club on our humble Planet, the theme about aliens became very interesting and important part of our everyday shitty life. People also become very curious about what our governments have to say about that. This led to the so called Disclosure program, in which every Nation has to make their UFO reports available for the public. In the last several years many things saw the light of day and interesting facts came out. More and more curious government personal digs deep and reveals new information about UFO and Alien technologies. This is not bullshit...or is it?
So, blue beam? Prepare for war with your neighbor countries and wait for the A-bomb to say hi from above.
UFO. Have you seen one? I've seen. Little green or gray man..no. So is the UFO alien? Well, no. If you go all the way to the early 20th centuries, you will find out that UFO spacecrafts have evolved much. Why? Because there aren't alien ships flying around and abducting people. This is crap, introduced from the media and our great modern folklore. The simple truth is that there are lots and lots of little secret government/military projects. Whats the most famous sighting of UFO? Three red dots in the sky? Well this is actually a stealth aircraft with the purpose of gathering intelligence/spying and so on. Eager to know more about it? Well there are two kinds of such crafts, I'm aware of, named "TR-3B Astra" and "TR-3A Astra".
Yup, terrestrial. Of course this is more likely not to be a real one. It's purpose is to be unseen, but information leaks every day from every corner of every fucking government.
Grey aliens with big eyes that abduct people? Mooore bullshit. There is no such thing. At least not in that way. All abductes are processed through hypnoses to unveil the so called abduction. Hypnoses can be easily controlled by the hypnotizer. And what better and easy way to make money, than telling people that aliens took them in space.
The Greys - the short aliens with big heads and eyes are actually very likely to be real. Many ancient civilizations described such creatures, but not with the same nature. From Sumer we know the ones called Igigi. Their purpose is told to be of observing the progress of our species till the return of our creators - the Annunaki. Well, they don't speak of any abducting and such.
The conclusion. If you see an UFO, it's most likely a TR unit, weather balloon, or any new shit that comes out from NASA and co. If the Blue Beam project works..well you have been warned. The importance of this is to be aware of what's happening around you. To know the truths or at least theorize them. Having knowledge, is the first line of defense when shit starts to fall from the sky. Be aware.
A few words about 2012 and the global warming
Of course most of us already know that nothing cataclysmic is gonna happen in 2012. I just wanted to point that. I think I had a previous post about that in bulgarian. But I will say again. The world won't come to and end as the movies and legends speak of.
The chance of some natural cataclysm occurring at 21.12.2012 is the same as doing so at 14.07.2011 or 17.01.2023. The Mayan calendar just stops at the pointed date an we pass into the age of Aquarius.
But some people are just willing to believe that 2012 is the end, because they are stupid enough and don't know how to figure it out (or don't want). Anyway, my point is that when the time comes, there will be people who will come out on streets with guns and start shooting , for it will be their last action, since the world will come to its end. What am I afraid most of? - A collusion with a planet or being shot by a crazy idiot? You guest it.
Actually that was my thinking till I got my eyes on some science info. There are two things that stuck in my mind - An EMP (electro magnetic pulse) from our Sun and the new found celestial body, hovering the edge of our solar system. So, this is interesting. The first news came out in the early autumn 2010. It was really an eye opener. An EMP can do hell on our society. Imagine all the stuff around you, that work with electricity, stop working. No internet, no tv, radio, modern cars, gps, cell phones. Anarchy will follow. The military will have to use the old fashion morse code to communicate and coordinate their moves against the crazy masses. That's kind of an end of the world don't you think? Not the hellish way like in the movies, but again an unpleasant one. Actually is not even an end, it's more like a big rebel or something.
And the very, VERY interesting news about a celestial body, hovering the edge of our system. It's black, cold on the outside, Big. If I may refer to the ancient Sumerian myth about the planet Nibiru. If we just found out about that body (planet or brown dwarf, or whatever), are we able to figure its orbit? Is it actually Nibiru? Well. I think our smartheads will figure it out before 2012.
So that leads to 3 major possibilities - the foreseen clash with Nibiru; a powerful Sun eruption that breaks our tech and communications and leads to global anarchy; or just few, random placed nut jobs with guns, shooting at people and buildings because the world will come to an end. You chose one. The last two are most possible if you ask me. Even the first one. These three possibilities are followed with scientific facts and pure logic, so one can only look at them and think them out. It will be foolish to avoid them, even for a few moments of thought.
The last one is inevitably, since the date will surely come, and surely there are at least a few people out of 7 billion who will act weird about it. So, windows closed, don't go anywhere when the time comes.
Maybe I want to share some thoughts about the global warming either, since the two topics are almost equal.
There is no global worming. There is just another cycle of earths climate. It will get very hot, everywhere. Then very cold..maybe a small ice age (like the one happened after the middle ages), then again a Heavenly paradise-climate. These will be accompanied with pole changing. This is the nearest end of the world it can get for us. There is nothing we can do. Maybe NASA or some other organization (political or not) may think of a climate control machine. Of course you may consider this as a science fiction, but look around you and compare all with the tech that was 20-30 years ago, then again think about that machine. Anyway, the idea is that we are a part of Earth and this cycle and we must face it and live with it. It may get really tough in a few hundred years (maybe less), but we will survive.
Also, consider the USA factor. They are draining all the worlds oil deposits. These oil wells will eventually deplete, and the almighty USA will turn to their own, which they keep for themselves. North America has plenty of oil deposits. And then we will finally kneel before them. Of course this will happen if the USA still exists. There are many things that can lead to its demise.
But this is another topic, which I may cover later on.
Thats it for now.
The animal called Human part 1
In my previous posts I've written endless lines about how most of our kind think of itself of something more than an average animal. Yes, we do have more complex thinking and self awareness, but that doesn't make us more distant from the world around us. Our crafting and social skills is the factor that's keeping us alive in this modern world. Being in this society makes us feel safe, comfortable, happy and so on. But is this entirely true?
Every day I have to use the subway train to go to the university. Every day I meet different, in look, but same in behavior people. We (mostly I) stare at each other for about 20-30 mins and then we part. Staring is like a contest. The winner gets the more self-confidence, the loser turns head aside in discomfort and awkwardness. I like to play this game. First I choose a victim, then the show begins. What its really amazing about this simple social contact is how rarely someone actually plays along. I've been doing this for about an year now, almost everyday I can hardly count more than 10 people who actually stared at me while I stared at them. And even fewer actually won. This is an absolute example of how a kind of natural selection works in our society. The weak look away almost immediately, but the strong stare to the point of the awkward moment, when both slim their sight calm and slowly. This is so primal! There are 1.5 million people in this damn city, and there are hundreds that use the subway every minute. If you take 10 or 12 of them in your sight range and start the so called game, you will find that 90% of those PEOPLE are actually nothing more than a shy, weak stack of meat. What makes the rest of them/us? Better humans? Well, of course not. Sadly the strength of one in a staring contest is not a critical factor in one's social place and potential to be better than all. But more or less it is a factor.
So what can we make of all this? Aside of our potentials to be a perfect human, one who cant win a simple staring contest receives a minus point in social hierarchy.
It may look stupid, but this is an actual part of battles between animals. Rivaling carnivores can stare at each other for hours, until the weak surrenders and leaves. The other gets the territory/female/food or whatever. That is most commonly sighted among the feline species. Sometimes, the staring is followed with noises, but the principle is the same. We are animals.
Our most common reaction, however to this staring, is aggression. You stare at somebody in a bar, he stares back, this keeps up for a few moments and one of both gets nerves and that leads to aggression. But in a subway, this is less likely to happen, because there is no one you want to demonstrate your power to. Of course I do this little game for my self amusement, not to empress someone. But in a bar, or another social gathering a demonstration of this degree can give one a deserved attention, respect, fear of him, and the attraction for partner. Sooo animalistic don't you think?
That's it for today. In my next post I will cover some examples of how the humans, the great humans, are actually sometimes frightened little, two legged critters.
Every day I have to use the subway train to go to the university. Every day I meet different, in look, but same in behavior people. We (mostly I) stare at each other for about 20-30 mins and then we part. Staring is like a contest. The winner gets the more self-confidence, the loser turns head aside in discomfort and awkwardness. I like to play this game. First I choose a victim, then the show begins. What its really amazing about this simple social contact is how rarely someone actually plays along. I've been doing this for about an year now, almost everyday I can hardly count more than 10 people who actually stared at me while I stared at them. And even fewer actually won. This is an absolute example of how a kind of natural selection works in our society. The weak look away almost immediately, but the strong stare to the point of the awkward moment, when both slim their sight calm and slowly. This is so primal! There are 1.5 million people in this damn city, and there are hundreds that use the subway every minute. If you take 10 or 12 of them in your sight range and start the so called game, you will find that 90% of those PEOPLE are actually nothing more than a shy, weak stack of meat. What makes the rest of them/us? Better humans? Well, of course not. Sadly the strength of one in a staring contest is not a critical factor in one's social place and potential to be better than all. But more or less it is a factor.
So what can we make of all this? Aside of our potentials to be a perfect human, one who cant win a simple staring contest receives a minus point in social hierarchy.
It may look stupid, but this is an actual part of battles between animals. Rivaling carnivores can stare at each other for hours, until the weak surrenders and leaves. The other gets the territory/female/food or whatever. That is most commonly sighted among the feline species. Sometimes, the staring is followed with noises, but the principle is the same. We are animals.
Our most common reaction, however to this staring, is aggression. You stare at somebody in a bar, he stares back, this keeps up for a few moments and one of both gets nerves and that leads to aggression. But in a subway, this is less likely to happen, because there is no one you want to demonstrate your power to. Of course I do this little game for my self amusement, not to empress someone. But in a bar, or another social gathering a demonstration of this degree can give one a deserved attention, respect, fear of him, and the attraction for partner. Sooo animalistic don't you think?
That's it for today. In my next post I will cover some examples of how the humans, the great humans, are actually sometimes frightened little, two legged critters.
The new beginning.
So hello everyone! I decided to do some changes on my blog. I added some new ads, design and of course, you can see that I started writing in English. It's not my native language, but I'm sure of my capabilities of using it. I'll try to make as few mistakes as I can :)
I haven't posted in a while. There are many reasons, the biggest of which is the lack of mood for it. I dunno, its complicated. Anyway, that doesn't mean that things changed in real life. I continue to encounter stupid people and funny situations every day, hearing absurd shit on media and internet.
This time, I'll try to post more often (at least once a week) and cover more interesting topics. Thats it for now.
I haven't posted in a while. There are many reasons, the biggest of which is the lack of mood for it. I dunno, its complicated. Anyway, that doesn't mean that things changed in real life. I continue to encounter stupid people and funny situations every day, hearing absurd shit on media and internet.
This time, I'll try to post more often (at least once a week) and cover more interesting topics. Thats it for now.
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